Hello, my name is Chris Medlock


I know that most of you reading this do not know me, but I would like you to take ten minutes of your time to read this document and give me your opinion of the contents.


This letter and email shot is being sent to Maplin Electronics, PMC Telecom, Onedirect, CPC-Farnell, Arco, Choice Communications, Radio Solutions, Gould Electronics, ChainSpeed, Protea Electronics, Trade Counter Direct, Music Gear Direct, Lusonic, Sound Light Company, Haydon Communications, TW Communications, Stage Gear, Goods Stall, NHBS, Go4Products, PC Arena, Capital Stores & GVC Digital, who have been identified as Mitex two way radio resellers.


It is also being sent to over one million email subscribers and is also published on where you will also find a link to a Facebook page where I welcome your comments, either in support of my action or I welcome a reasonable argument against my action.


The majority of recipients of this letter and email are small to medium sized businesses who understand how difficult it is take an idea or concept to market and turn this in to a viable business that employs people.


I guess there are also many of you that have dreamed of starting a business. Some will have tried and sadly failed.


Those who have succeeded will understand that having a business is no walk in the park, it is not a matter of working 40 hours in an office or factory and switching off. Being a company director or self-employed is a lifestyle that transcends the usual office hours, and becomes your life. You no longer have time to be ill and many cases your business will come before your family. And although you may reap the reward if your business succeeds, you are certainly the last to be paid until it does.


My current company has been trading almost 15 years, having gone limited in 2007, and I employ six people. It has faced the usual ups and downs, weathered the recession, suffered employee theft, financial fraud, deception, data theft and had our network hacked. I have employed some excellent people, and a few who I had rather not.


So here is the background:


My area of expertise is radio communication; that's walkie-talkies and taxi style mobile radios for those who are unsure. There are two distinct type of radios in the UK. PMR446 and CB radios do not require a licence, all other two way radios do.


You may have come across the PMR446 licence free walkie-talkies as these are readily available on the high street and in specialist electronic shops. Anyone can use these, and they are available for as little as £10 each. However, the power is low and the range is limited.


More recently you may have come across high power off the shelf models from Mitex & Tritan.


Historically, high powered two way radios were only available from a specialist supplier, the licence application process was time consuming and the cost of the equipment was prohibitive for many companies.


In 2002 OFCOM released the UK General Business Licence, now called Business Lite. This simplified the process. The application was similar to applying for a TV licence and granted access to a set amount of preapproved channels.


For the first time it allowed two way radio dealers to sell high powered two way radios ready to use on preapproved channels, and put the onus on applying for a licence on to the customer. My business supplies most of its customers in this way.


My niche in the radio communications sector was providing low cost refurbished equipment to companies who wanted good quality equipment at a reduced cost. However, sometimes it was difficult to meet demand, and I came up with the concept to import a new low price, high power walkie-talkie retail packaged specifically to use with this licence.


Most business people will understand that the general day to day running of a business can sometimes prevent great ideas from ever coming to fruition or seriously delay them coming to market, so it is not unusual for some projects to sit on the back burner for a while whilst other projects and ideas take precedence.


It was 2006 when I started importing a range of two way radio samples from a wide range of manufacturers in China; many of which were either copies of other manufacturers’ radios or of poor design or construction. As this was just one of a number of projects, I assigned it no real urgency.


In 2008 I made contact with David Chan at Quanzhou Donghai Lianfa Electronic Factory in China. After being very pleased with the initial samples, I placed an initial order for around 50 pieces and sold them under the SFE brand model S820. All the feedback was positive and my engineering department had done extensive tests to ensure it was suitable for the UK market.


It was around this time I began development of the recently released Mitex Pro.


All of the above is documented via emails to and from the factory, invoices from the factory to Chris Medlock and Radioswap and my solicitor Bradford and Sons, who drafted an agreement.


You may ask where this is all leading? And this is where I need your help, so please read on.


In August 2009 I was approached for a job by Paul Clarke. He had left a successful tool company to work on his own tool project (Draxton LTD). Perhaps I should have suspected something at this point. Unfortunately Draxon LTD went on to be another of Mr Clarke’s failed business ventures.


I had known Paul Clarke since the early 1990s when we were employed by the same insurance company. We had been friends on and off, and I had briefly employed him some years earlier whilst he was working on another of his projects, but it hadn't worked out for me.


I was very reluctant to employ Mr Clarke, but my wife at the time, Deborah Hughes, was very insistent. So I gave Paul a job at my company Radioswap Ltd. It would later transpire that I wasn't aware of the true nature of the friendship between my wife and Mr Clarke.


I employed Mr Clarke in a general role, but primarily as sales person to sell our wide range of accessories to other radio communications companies. It was only a matter of weeks before he advised me that he was unable to sell our accessory range as the market was flooded. However, to this day we continue to sell many thousands of accessories each year.


He also refused to sign his employment contract.


In August 2009 I incorporated a new company Mitex (UK) LTD. Having not learned from my previous mistake of having a business partner, I gave 50% of the shares to my wife Deborah Hughes, but she was my wife so surely this would be different? Unfortunately not!


I registered the domain using the company I use for all my web hosting. And I installed a telephone line in my personal name (because it was cheaper) for the sole use of Mitex. (The phone number and my address is on all the original boxes).


I created the Mitex business plan, opened the Mitex (UK) Ltd bank account with the RBS, and I was the sole guarantor of the overdraft facility.


All of these actions are well documented.


Mitex was to be my off the shelf, ready to use, high powered two way radio designed to be used with the OFCOM Business Lite licence. Both my engineering department and I had devised a channel plan, and my engineering department had rewritten the instruction manual in English.


I want to make this quite clear: Mr Clarke and Ms Hughes had no involvement in neither the concept, importing the radios, testing them, creating the channel plan nor made any financial contribution towards any aspect of creating Mitex.


I chose three designers to design the packaging. One came out head and shoulders above the rest - Adrian Bibby ABCDesign. (I still use his services today). Mr Clarke attended the designers with me, but had no involvement. However he was involved in searching through hundreds of photos online looking for suitable images for the front of the box.


The completed packaging design was sent to China, along with the channel plan and the instruction manual; and my concept The Mitex General "off the shelf" two way business radio was born. This was solely funded by my own personal funds. In fact, over the following eighteen months or so I injected around £140,000 of my own funds as a Director’s Loan in to the business. No one else contributed financially to the Mitex business.


Paul Clarke had absolutely no contact with the factory until late October 2009 when I asked him to answer any emails from the factory whilst I was away on a cruise with my family, as I had limited access to emails.


Late in 2009 Mr Clarke asked me for shares in Mitex. I refused.


Throughout 2010 my marriage to Debbie Hughes began to collapse. Truth be told it was probably failing much before then, but I guess sometimes we deliberately blind ourselves from the truth or what is right in front of us.


In February 2010 I moved Paul Clarke as an employee from Radioswap Ltd to become an employee of Mitex (UK) Ltd, at the same address, but in a different office away from Ms Hughes and myself.


In early 2010 Ms Hughes gave Mr Clarke 10% of Mitex reducing her shareholding to 40%. This was followed by Ms Hughes making Mr Clarke a director of Mitex (UK) Ltd.


I did not agree to my former wife giving any shares to Mr Clarke, and I certainly did not want him to be a director. However, our marriage was crumbling and I stupidly signed a document in an attempt to keep the peace. I was even coerced in to signing a document giving Ms Hughes 5% of my shareholding once my Director’s Loan was repaid. This would have the effect of reducing my shareholding to 45% and increasing Ms Hughes to 45%. Mr Clarke would retain his 10%.


At this point I still had £140,000 tied up in the business, and the only person who was getting anything out of the company was Paul Clarke by means of a salary and a commission. Ms Hughes and Mr Clarke had even insisted that Mr Clarke received a commission for all the products sold from Mitex, regardless of whether Mr Clarke actually made the sale. This even included all the stock that I, as Radioswap, bought from Mitex.


So I had to pay Mr Clarke a commission just to buy radios from my own company. He had to do absolutely nothing to earn this.


By then end of 2010 our marriage was over.


During Christmas 2010 Ms Hughes spent the Christmas break at Mr Clarke’s home with his family.

On returning to work after the Christmas break Mr Clarke asked if he could work from his unit in Sheffield. I agreed to him working there, as I wanted him away from me and my wife, but I certainly did not agree to what followed.


Within the space of a few days and in the following weeks Mr Clarke and Ms Hughes:-


·       Disconnected the Mitex phone line at my unit and had a new one installed in Mr Clarkes unit.

·       Changed the company accountant 

·       Changed the registered head office

·       Redirected all the Mitex post

·       Employed Foys solicitors at the expense of Mitex to work against me

·       Removed me from the company bank account, even though I was guaranteeing the overdraft

·       Dictated when I could remove any of my funds from the company

·       Set up a new domain and email accounts

·       Attempted to remove me as a director of Mitex


It is important to note again that neither Paul Clarke nor Debbie Hughes had ever put any money in to Mitex. They were using the money that I had put in to the company to force me out of the company. Again, this is documented.


These actions led me to take advice from Taylor Emmett corporate solicitors who advised me to remove my funds from Mitex ASAP, and we then issued a ninety day notice for the return of all my funds.


Mr Clarke’s demeanour was so threatening at subsequent board meetings that I felt it necessary to bring security with me. However Mr Clarke refused him access as he owned the building.


Perhaps one of the most ridiculous things Mr Clarke and Ms Hughes did was increase the trade cost of Mitex products to Radioswap Ltd whilst Paul Clarke was selling Mitex products cheaply on eBay through his trading name Toolfirm. This eventually caused me to stop selling Mitex products, which had previously accounted for over 25% of Mitex total business. At that point Radioswap was selling 2000 Mitex Radios per year plus accessories.


Mr Clarke would rather make a few hundred pounds per month selling Mitex radios cheaply through his personal eBay account rather than maintain Radioswap as its second biggest customer.


I was eventually forced to resign as director as part of the financial settlement of the divorce, but made it very clear I would not sell my shares.


In February 2012 Paul Clarke offered me £26,325 for my 45% shareholding in Mitex (UK) Ltd. I refused. I offer him the same amount for his 10% shareholding (note the difference in the offers here). He refused.


Subsequently there are many emails between Mr Clarke and myself, with me confirming time and time again that I had absolutely no intention of selling my shares in Mitex.


However, in June 2012 I received a letter from the directors of Mitex advising me that they had transferred £26325 in to my bank account, and that Mr Clarke was now the owner of my shares.

I have sent many emails and letters to Mr Clarke and Mitex (UK) Ltd. However he believes that he can do as he wishes and totally refuses to return my shares.


Mr Clarke and Ms Hughes played little or no role in setting up this business, regardless of what they may say, I have documented proof and witness statements to back up everything that I claim in this letter.


Since forcibly removing me from the company they have done little, if nothing, to increase or improve the product range. The only portable radio they have introduced is the Mitex HD (which is effectively the Mitex Site with a bigger battery pack) and the Mobile radio. All the other radios were named by me - General, Security, Site, Sport, PMR446 and the newly released Mitex Pro, which I designed back in 2008. I still have the design specifications.


So there you have it. Mitex was my concept and fully funded by me, and was taken by Paul Clarke and Debbie Hughes.


Do you really want to support people who are prepared to behave in this way?


What would I like?


1.    First and foremost I would like my 45% shareholding in Mitex returning.


2.    I would like Mr Clarke and Ms Hughes to return all the dividends that they have taken from the company since forcing this transaction.


3.    I would like Paul Clarke to stop selling Mitex Radios through his Toolfim account on ebay, undercutting all other Mitex dealers and to return all the funds that he has taken from the company in this way. This is a clear conflict of interest for a director who is clearly diverting funds away from the company. I believe this is also a way for Mitex to avoid paying VAT on these sales, but I am happy to take advice on this.


4.    I would like Debbie Hughes to stop selling Mitex Radios through her company Radiopro. This is a clear conflict of interest for an active director of Mitex (UK) Ltd, who should be directing any sales enquiries toward legitimate dealers rather than siphoning sales to herself.


5.    Mitex (UK) Ltd should pass any and all sales enquiries to the nearest established dealer to the postcode of the enquiry and not take the order direct. That's the whole idea or having resellers.


6.    If it is deemed that the transaction was illegal - I certainly didn't agree to the sale and they have no paperwork to support my agreement to this transaction - then both Paul Clarke and Debbie Hughes should be forced to resign as directors, and both directors should face criminal proceedings. I am happy to take advice on this.


7.    Paul Clarke and Debbie Hughes as directors of the company should stop making false claims about the company and its products, particularly relating to Mitex (UK) Ltd being a manufacturer, as this is wholly untrue. All Mitex products are manufactured in China, the handheld radios are simply rebadged S.F.E. units. The audio accessories are simply off the shelf accessories that are UNBRANDED, but once placed in a Mitex cardboard box, they claim that they are genuine Mitex accessories, even though there is no branding on the accessory itself.


It must also be noted that since removing me from the company Mitex does not have a technical department, as previously all Mitex Radios were tested by the engineering department at Radioswap. Therefore, for the last three years Mitex has been totally unable to test any of the radios that have come in to the country. They have absolutely no idea if the radios are correctly on frequency or have the correct power output.


All comments and advice is welcome via the Facebook Mitex-Debate group. I personally welcome all advice, supporting either me or the actions of Paul Clarke and Debbie Hughes as directors or Mitex (UK) LTD.


Finally, I have known Paul Clarke since around 1990 and Debbie Hughes since around 2003. This is not a personal attack on either of them. If it was personal, I could just put my divorce papers online. This is strictly a business matter. I created this business, I funded it and I just want what is rightfully mine, no more no less.



Thank you for your time.


Chris Medlock




This is the very first invoice from the SFE factory to Chris Medlock at Radioswap LTD

These were the test samples


Proforma  Invoice - Received 04-01-09

To: Mr Chris Medlock

Item No.




Unit price












S820     UHF

two-way radio 


215g(with antenna ,cell )


2 pcs



S820     VHF

two-way radio 


216g(with antenna ,cell )


2 pcs



Programmable Cable








Programmable Software

by CD







Freightcost to UK

















QUANZHOU DONHAI LIANFA ELECTRONIC FACTORY       Daping Industry Park ,Donghai Town ,Fengze District , Quanzhou City ,Fujian ,CN                     T:+86-595-22107675                               F:+86-595-22107673      

Radioswap Ltd
Double Acre, Long Road, Brampton en le Morthen, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, UK              S66 9BJ





These were initial stock sold to dealers to test the market


Proforma  Invoice 27-04-2009

To: Mr Chris Medlock

Item No.




Unit price












S820     UHF

two-way radio 


200g(with antenna ,cell )


50 pcs



S820     UHF

two-way radio battery 







Freightcost to UK

















QUANZHOU DONHAI LIANFA ELECTRONIC FACTORY       Daping Industry Park ,Donghai Town ,Fengze District , Quanzhou City ,Fujian ,CN                     T:+86-595-22107675                               F:+86-595-22107673      

Radioswap Ltd
Double Acre, Long Road, Brampton en le Morthen, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, UK  S66 9BJ                           Tel: 01709 700720





Product development (SFE S860 - AKA PRO-RADIO - AKA "MITEX PRO")

And Exclusive distribution agreement between Quanzhou Fengze Lianfa Electronic Factory & Radioswap Ltd - Dated July 2009



Product Development and Exclusive Distribute Agreement


This Agreement entered into this     st day of      2009 by Quanzhou Fengze Lianfa Electronic Factory, a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business at Daping Industrial Park, Donghai Town, Fengze District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China (hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY ") and      Radioswap Company Ltd     , a company organized and existing under the laws of    UK    , having its principal place of business at    Double Acre, Long Road, Brampton en le Morthen, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, UK  (hereinafter referred to as "REPRESENTATIVE")

此合同制作于               日,甲方(以下简称The COMPANY)系泉州丰泽联发无线电厂-存在中国法律下的公司,业务地点为中国福建省泉州市丰泽区东海镇大坪工业区,乙方(以下简称The REPRESENTATIVE)系Radioswap Company Ltd ,业务地点为Double Acre, Long Road, Brampton en le Morthen, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, UK .

Through the friendly negotiation of both parties, the REPRESENTATVIE agree to afford the development of the product “PRO-RADIO” and the COMPANY agrees to appoin the REPRESENTATIVE to sell “PRO-RADIO” as the exclusive distributor in UK. In order to make the right and obligation of both parties clear, the two parties in question conclude this agreement specially.

Extract page one only supplied





Product development (SFE S860 - AKA PRO-RADIO - AKA "MITEX PRO") Invoice Dated July 2009



Proforma  Invoice - July 2009

To: Mr Chris Medlock

Item No.








Development of the PRO-RADIO   

As for the development of the new radio, we Quanzhou Fengze Lianfa Electronic Factory develop the new radio named PRO-RADIO special for Radioswap Company Ltd in UK,. And Radioswap Company Ltd afford the development cost by three times(altogether 23354USD), and this is the first transfer $8000USD.




















QUANZHOU DONHAI LIANFA ELECTRONIC FACTORY       Daping Industry Park ,Donghai Town ,Fengze District , Quanzhou City ,Fujian ,CN



Radioswap Ltd
Double Acre, Long Road, Brampton en le Morthen, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, UK S66 9BJ                           Tel: 01709 700720


                                                                              PRO PROTOTYPE                         mitex pro s860 made prototypre sep 09

                                                                         Artists impression of Pro Radio (Mitex Pro)                        Preproduction model

it was a hybrid of a Binatone MR600 and a Vertex VX146 PMR446



This is the third invoice from the SFE factory to Chris Medlock at Radioswap LTD

This is the first batch of SFE radios imported under the "Mitex" brand

Mr Medlock had recently incorporated Mitex (UK) LTD


Proforma  Invoice 18-11-2009

To: Mr Chris Medlock

Item No.



Unit price









Mitex General(UHF)            

two-way handheld transceiver 

52 * 28 * 100mm  




Mitex Security(UHF)

two-way handheld transceiver 

52 * 28 * 100mm  




Cost of insert, packing box, User manual with your brand name and logo, A4 Adverts , Ofcom Licence and all kind of labels

both single and twin









At $36.50 ex-works

The Mitex General & Security cost just £24.18 each

QUANZHOU FENGZE LIANFA ELECTRONIC FACTORY       Daping Industry Park, Donghai Town, Fengze District,  Quanzhou City, Fujian, China                                T:+86-595-22107675                               F:+86-595-22107673      

Radioswap Ltd
Double Acre, Long Road, Brampton en le Morthen, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, UK, S66 9BJ                                            Tel: 01709 700720